Articles by Joanna Eccles in Refresh Bible Study Magazine
God's Faithful Light in Dark TimesDespite deep darkness that threatened to steal my soul, the Lord shined His faithful light to me when I was doing missions work overseas. When all I have is God, He is enough.
Count Your Blessings to Gain Peace
Counting your blessings helps you focus on how God has already provided instead of what you feel you lack. As you enter His gates with thanksgiving in your heart, may His peace be the city walls that guard your heart and mind.
Speak Living Words
Meditate on the praiseworthy, and guard your lips so your speech will be seasoned with salt and bring joy to the hearer. Let your words bring life, not death.
Let God Do the Planning
God may take us to uncharted places, but He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Praying God's Word
What are the life changing benefits of praying God's Word?