I’ve recently thought of taking juggling lessons. I figure with juggling all the stressors in my life, maybe actual juggling would be a healthy outlet. My family, friends, and work all clamor for my attention. When I think I have one area is relatively stable, another starts to fall. I can’t seem to keep things aloft.
While juggling lessons may provide some physical outlet, they still won’t give me peace. I need real rest. Matthew 11:28-30 says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (NKJV). Too often, I think I have to pull my own weight. Subconsciously, I think I’ve got all the answers and have to do it myself. Usually when I think “I’ve got this,” it has not turned out well. I fall on my face, feeling like an idiot with blood on my nose and dirt in my teeth. When I let God guide me, He carries the weight. In Biblical times, oxen were trained by yoking a large ox to a young ox as the young ox learned to work. The larger ox took the heavier brunt of the load. God invites us to let Him carry the burdens that cripple us. His burden is light. He wants our souls to rest. God is not prideful, but lowly in heart. Often, I can get overwhelmed by circumstances. Some people think that God will never give us more than we can handle, but that is not Biblical. If I could do it alone, my head would swell with pride. First Peter 5:5b says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (NKJV). God resists my pride and allows situations that are beyond my control so that I will acknowledge my need for Him. This breeds dependence in my life, which God loves. But despite needing to learn dependence, sometimes I don’t realize my need until late in the game. I try to do it alone and burn out, feeling like the end of a candle with a wick that won’t light. God invites me to let Him be our light. He is the wick that burns eternal. As I melt into Him, He displays His glory for all to see. The Lord has started asking me to give Him my burdens. Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved” (KJV). Before I go to bed at night, I stick my hand out and visualize the hardships I am carrying. I name them one by one and physically enact handing each burden to God. My heart lifts as I realize I don’t have to fix everyone and everything in my life. I like how the KJV says God won’t suffer the righteous to be moved. He isn’t putting up with that junk. God sustains me in my difficulties. Psalm 68:19 says, “Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation! Selah” (NKJV). The NIV says, “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” God both daily loads us with benefits and bears our burdens. He gives us good and takes the bad as we receive a lighter load. God did not design us to walk through life alone, and is always ready to answer our cry. May we learn to walk beside Him and let Him share the weight of our burdens.
9/2/2019 09:56:06 pm
Isn't it comforting to know we never have to carry a burden alone. While God may still have us carry it, sometimes to help us learn something He needs for us to know, He makes the load lighter with His presence. Great post ma'am.
9/4/2019 11:09:55 pm
Just being in God's presence lightens our loads are our hearts lift towards the light of His love for us.
9/3/2019 07:56:36 pm
It's so easy to "give my burdens" to God through prayer, and then I think it's my job to continue worrying about those burdens, until God "solves" my problems!! How ridiculous am I? I'm glad God has new grace and mercy for me each day, and I try my best each day to rest in Him!
9/4/2019 11:12:03 pm
I sometimes try to keep praying until God does what I want, instead of focusing on what God wants me to learn in the process. One of those things to learn is to take life day by day and take the grace that God offers me anew each morning.
9/4/2019 08:14:47 am
As humans we try to carry those burdens as if we can really do something about them. Our only solution is to let go and let God have them. The visual of the ox is powerful and shows us what we need to do. Attach ourselves to Jesus and let Him do the lifting. Great post!
9/4/2019 11:13:12 pm
I too love the visual of literally attaching myself to Christ so that He does the hard lifting. It is the only way I will get any rest, and I need it.
9/5/2019 11:49:15 am
The image of handing our burdens to Christ is one of hope. I know I'm carrying too many burdens currently--your message could have been just for me, although I know there are many like us. Thanks for your comforting and inspiring message.
9/30/2019 10:32:31 pm
God answered my prayer that this blog would bless someone. I know that God so longs to carry our burdens, but we forget His strength and strive to prove ourselves. He won't drop us.
9/8/2019 09:57:03 pm
This spoke to me as something I need to put into action. "Before I go to bed at night, I stick my hand out and visualize the hardships I am carrying. I name them one by one and physically enact handing each burden to God." Love it! Thanks, Joanna!
9/23/2019 06:26:30 pm
So glad that the visual could help you in your walk to turn over your troubles to the Lord.
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AuthorJoanna Eccles has led Bible studies for over twenty years and completed the year-long C. S. Lewis Fellows Program. She is passionate about discipleship and helping people grow in Christ. Joanna enjoys coffee and reading, and currently lives in Florida. Categories