A guy friend of mine once owned a really nice sports car. He parked it at the end of the row to keep it away from other cars. Every weekend, he washed and waxed that vehicle until his face shone in the hood. He was so proud. The first time he walked out to find a ding, he was beside himself. I explained to him that the main thing was that he was safe. No one was hurt. Inanimate objects are not as important as animate objects. It took a while, but he eventually calmed down.
Upon reflection, I realized that the reason he was so distraught was because he treasured his fast car. He had saved money to buy that vehicle, and it made him feel important. He put all that time and effort into something temporary. One day it would rust to pieces and cease to run. Jesus admonishes us to place our treasures in heaven where they will last forever. Matthew 6:19-21 says, ““Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (NKJV). As a society, people value quality items. They think more of someone with a luxury vehicle than an old lemon. Yet, maybe the clunker was once a great car, but the owner decided it was more important to invest money into his local church instead of upgrading his vehicle every few years. The time and money we give into the kingdom of God are eternal investments. No inflation can eat up the buying power of those deposits and no stock market crash that can foil our returns. You treasure in heaven cannot be stolen by thieves in the night. I’ve heard it said, “You can’t take it with you, but you can send it on ahead.” No matter what material things you accumulate during your life on earth, they will not pass with you into eternity. Remember the parable about the rich fool who had such a large crop that he tore down his barns and built new ones to hold his bounty? He prided himself on his wealth, and didn’t glorify the Lord. God struck him dead. The story ends with Luke 12:12, “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God” (NKJV). Yikes! I have no desire for God to smite me because I hoard the riches that He has entrusted me to steward. So, how do we spend our treasure in ways that build our heavenly homes? We invest our lives into loving God and loving others. We can tithe at our local church and give to charities that advance the kingdom of God. Also, because valuable things extend beyond just our money, we can use our time and talents too. Maybe you can teach children in the nursery or welcome people as they enter the sanctuary. Perhaps the Lord has blessed you with a great singing voice and you can encourage a congregation through song. For loving others, you can share your resources with friends and family when they fall in times of need. With people coming out of the pandemic and gas prices sky-high, if you even have a dime more than you need, why not ask God who you can gift it to? Even if you have no extra dollars lying around, maybe you could babysit for a neighbor or knit a hat for someone with cancer. The options for eternal investments abound. Recently, my sister-in-law got in an accident and totaled the car that I had sold her a year and a half ago. I had owned the vehicle over a decade and loved it, even more than my current vehicle. Thank God, no one was hurt in that collision. I recalled the conversation I’d had with my guy friend years ago and had more peace about it than I would have had otherwise. The car wasn’t a human. The people were safe. That is what mattered. My heart is with my brother and sister-in-law for their well being. Because my investment was in my sister-in-law, not the car, God turned the accident into a blessing in disguise. They managed to find a car for a less than what the insurance had paid and used the remainder to pay some separate bills. What does your heart treasure? Do you seek to love people made in the image of God or are you focused on getting the latest and greatest gadget? Ask God to help you invest in things that last for eternity. His interest rate will yield a future harvest that lasts forever and will never rust no matter how many dings you receive in life.
J.D. Wininger
6/19/2022 08:06:42 pm
Amen Ms. Joann. My SRA is much more valuable than my IRA ma'am. Whether it's time, talent, or treasury, our investments in eternity pay dividends both today and throughout eternity. Great post!
Joanna Eccles
6/25/2022 10:03:01 am
I love this idea of a Spiritual Retirement Account - that is fantastic! I have to remember the deposits aren't automatically taken out of my paycheck. I must be intentional to invest in God's kingdom.
Joanna Eccles
6/25/2022 10:01:42 am
So glad the message inspired and blessed you. :D
6/19/2022 11:55:48 pm
I have always loved the saying you can’t take a uhaul to Heaven. It reminds me to think eternally. Thank you for this great message.
Joanna Eccles
6/25/2022 10:05:39 am
I like that - you can't take a Uhaul to Heaven. It reminds me of these T-shirts from the 90s - He who dies with the most toys still dies. No Fear. I need to focus on building into people and not filling my house with stuff.
6/20/2022 09:56:59 pm
Joanna, what a good reminder of a life-changing truth. Thank you for sharing.
Joanna Eccles
6/25/2022 10:06:28 am
When we change our habits in life, it will have eternal benefits. :D
Yvonne Morgan
6/22/2022 06:29:45 pm
I love the thoughts you shared. I try to make sure I store up more treasures in heaven than on earth.
Joanna Eccles
6/25/2022 10:08:20 am
So glad you are using your life to be heavenly minded.
6/23/2022 03:35:16 pm
Joanna, thanks for the reminder. There are important things and then there are truly important things in life!
Joanna Eccles
6/25/2022 10:15:30 am
I have to keep my list of important things to the ones that really matter.
6/24/2022 03:12:38 am
Our heart's treasure is reflected in where we place importance. When we see that the earthly possessions will someday pass away but eternal gifts never will, we can place our priorities in the right place. Thanks for sharing, Joanna!
Joanna Eccles
6/25/2022 10:16:20 am
I pray the Lord will bless you with many eternal gifts in heaven for the deposits you have made into His kingdom.
7/2/2022 12:43:21 pm
So much wisdom in your message, Joanna. The analogy of the car is a great example and a reminder for us to look at those "treasures" in our lives. Are some of them separating us from God? Thank you for this inspiring message.
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AuthorJoanna Eccles has led Bible studies for over twenty years and completed the year-long C. S. Lewis Fellows Program. She is passionate about discipleship and helping people grow in Christ. Joanna enjoys coffee and reading, and currently lives in Florida. Categories