I once had a mountain top experience at a fall retreat with my church. We spent the entire weekend studying the Bible and worshiping God together. The presence of the Holy Spirit was thick during the praise time. I felt joy as I opened the door for friends and helped clean up after meals.
My drive home was a spiritual high. I was ready to tackle the world and spread the love of Christ. Then I went to work on Monday and tried to keep the momentum going. By Tuesday, the daily grind consumed my thoughts and actions. It seemed that my high got left behind at the retreat. Why wasn’t it easier to take God with me into the office? What changed? First, my days weren’t bookended with deep spiritual time with the Lord. Sure, I was reading a psalm in the morning to implant some truth, but I wasn’t meditating on it like I had on the weekend away in the mountains. Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” I let the Word of Christ dwell in me richly by applying Scripture and using it in my life and with other believers. I should enjoy the Bible like a decadent dessert, instead of rushing through it like a bowlful of broccoli to get my greens. Just skimming a psalm wouldn’t pour a day’s worth of spiritual nourishment into my soul. Delighting in the Word and deciding how the truth changes me make the verses last longer and the day seem less heavy. I needed to choose to love God more than my snooze button. Another key part of keeping the Holy Spirit active is being part of Christian community. The same verse tells us to teach and admonish each other in the Lord. This teaching sinks the truths deeper into our hearts because we apply the word in our lives in a group, thus breeding accountability and fellowship. Too many times, I just want to hear encouragement, and don’t want to focus on where I need to grow. However, in the safe space of Christian friendship, I can give and receive feedback that convicts me of my sin and points me to truths in God’s word to help me overcome. Service is more than washing dishes, it encompasses speaking the truth in love to help keep one from the error of their ways. Colossians 3:16 also talks about singing praise to God. When we sing, we release stress, fight depression, and boost our immune systems. Praising with other believers strengthens our connection with them because of the endorphins that are released when we when we sing together to bond us together in Christ. When we glorify God with our mouths, it nourishes us spiritually because we are appointing praise in the right direction, upward and not inward to self. We had worshiped with hearty voices that weekend, and I needed to keep the praise going at home. While I can’t go on a spiritual retreat every weekend, when I meditate on God’s Word daily, maintain godly friendships throughout the week, and worship with believers at church on Sundays, I can keep that mountain top experience going even after I return home.
J.D. Wininger
10/4/2021 09:42:46 pm
True my friend, we can't always bring the mountaintop back home (or back to work) with us, but we can keep the memory of that special connection with our Lord fresh in our hearts and mind by seeking to find time to sit and meditate on that moment in time, and in whom (Abba Father) you spent it with each day. While I prefer the quiet of mornings for my "God time", many find them far too hectic and find late evening better. Whenever that time is for you sweet friend. Go there in your heart and mind, and God will be waiting. :-) God's blessings gentle lady.
Joanna Eccles
10/7/2021 07:58:25 pm
I usually have my deeper time with the Lord before I go to bed at night, but am glad the morning works for you. Always sitting with God's Word is the best way to get peace.
10/5/2021 02:37:26 am
God's Word is our meal and like you said not something we skim through. When we dine at His table daily and absorb His nutrients we are ready to face whatever comes against us. His Word builds strong muscles. Thank you, Joanna, for this inspiring post!
Joanna Eccles
10/7/2021 07:59:26 pm
I like the idea of dining on God's Word as a feast for our souls. May we all eat of His goodness every day.
10/5/2021 09:46:44 am
Yes, I've had the experience of "crashing" after a mountaintop retreat. It is a hard fall. You've provided us with inspiration and insight to focus on keeping our eyes, heart, and mind on Jesus, rather than on those everyday stresses that pull us down.
Joanna Eccles
10/7/2021 08:03:01 pm
Thank God that He reveals Himself to us when we seek for Him. The time and effort is always worth it.
10/6/2021 01:56:34 pm
Loved this: "choose to love God more than my snooze button." I think many people can relate to the mountaintop experience becoming flat quickly. Great topic and post!
Joanna Eccles
10/7/2021 08:01:31 pm
It seems the closer a friend I am to my snooze button, the further I can get from the Lord. I tend to bookend my days with Jesus, but I need both.
10/7/2021 02:42:04 pm
We do need those times of spiritual renewal, but we can't carry the mountaintop everywhere we go. Great reminders here.
Joanna Eccles
10/7/2021 08:00:27 pm
We can take the mountaintop into every part of our lives. God is everywhere we go when we look for Him.
10/11/2021 06:00:04 pm
I love how you say when we worship together it bonds us in Christ. Great post.
10/13/2021 05:49:53 pm
What truths you share! Yes, I've had mountaintop highs and back-to-reality lows after women's retreats and writers conferences. Recapturing part of that "high" can be difficult, but you're right about ways we can move back in that direction. Thank you for the inspiration!
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AuthorJoanna Eccles has led Bible studies for over twenty years and completed the year-long C. S. Lewis Fellows Program. She is passionate about discipleship and helping people grow in Christ. Joanna enjoys coffee and reading, and currently lives in Florida. Categories