My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct it to You, And I will look up. Psalm 5:3 NKJV
I am not a morning person. Caffeine is my friend. I drag myself out of bed and struggle to dress in the dark lest the light burn my eyes. I’ve gone to work with mismatched shoes because I fumble for them under my bed by touch. In grad school, my ultimate goal was to lie down again, which meant that if I could rest for sixty seconds I’d return to bed. But I’ve discovered when I don’t start my day seeking God, the day goes downhill quickly. Once, I was in a rush and skipped my morning Bible reading. The results were disastrous. Management didn’t like the project I presented, and, instead of calmly taking the feedback, I left in a fog. Had I read Psalm 124 that morning as planned, my perspective would have differed. I would have remembered the Lord was on my side. When people rose against me, they wouldn’t swallow me whole. God would protect me. The psalmist knew the importance of turning his heart heavenward in the morning. When I meditate on Scripture before I face the day, it provides a lens of truth through which to frame my experiences. Once I leave home, the world seeks to overwhelm my mind with information. If I have no filter to sort the onslaught, then everything becomes factual and weighs down my soul. I have to choose to answer God’s invitation to look to Him in the morning. I try to read a psalm or a proverb each day before work. These books have enough chapters to cover six months, so I read them through twice in a year. Maybe other verses call you louder, but the point is that we need to respond to God early. God will help us pull back those sheets and open His Word so we can start the day right. With Jesus (and a little coffee) you can be ready for whatever comes your way. Used by permission Christian Devotions Ministries
1/25/2020 11:53:23 am
I make it a point to always start my day with "God time." It starts with a short prayer thanking God for seeing me through the night before I rise. Followed by bathroom, coffee, and my "God time." For the next 90 minutes or so, before the sun rises and my day starts, I try to focus solely on God and what He wants to teach me and where He chooses to lead me each day. There's been times when time is truncated and I don't rise earlier than normal to account for that, but for the most part, the start of my day belongs to God. I pray He keeps me focused on Him throughout the rest of my day. God's blessings ma'am. Loved this post!
1/27/2020 02:52:08 pm
I think that having a routine and making time with God a priority is what helps me stay the course. My longer time with God is at night, but the Psalms and Proverbs ministry to my heart in the morning.
1/27/2020 11:41:33 am
I agree, Joanna. I love to start my day with God's Word and prayer. Reminds me that He is with me throughout my day.
1/27/2020 02:50:21 pm
I do most of my deeper study at night before I go to bed, but I discovered the hard way I need something in the morning. God's Word is such good stuff. It is always a blessing.
1/27/2020 08:42:10 pm
Starting the day with God's Word is the best plan for a rewarding and successful day. As you noted, it doesn't mean the day will be perfect, but we'll be able to handle whatever life throws at us. Thanks for the reminder--I've been sporadic with my morning devotions the last few months and I needed a little push. Thank you!
1/28/2020 09:30:25 pm
Glad the Holy Spirit used it to prompt you to get back into the Word in the mornings. God has the right message at the right time.
1/28/2020 10:38:57 pm
Joanna, we wouldn't think of leaving home without brushing our teeth. My heart needs to be cleansed and my mind renewed as frequently. Great post.
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AuthorJoanna Eccles has led Bible studies for over twenty years and completed the year-long C. S. Lewis Fellows Program. She is passionate about discipleship and helping people grow in Christ. Joanna enjoys coffee and reading, and currently lives in Florida. Categories