Once a child went to fight a dragon. He underestimated his enemy, and the only weapon he found to defend himself was a pencil. The boy jabbed at the soft underbelly of his foe, but it did not penetrate deep enough. The dragon’s fire soon destroyed the lad. Maybe you memorized verses like John 3:16 when you were younger. That’s great! All of God’s Word is inspired and helps us flourish. However, if that is the only verse you know, you might want to fortify your spiritual arsenal to something beyond a pencil so you are prepared to face the enemy when temptation comes. We Need More Than Digital DataPerhaps you have wondered why, with a world of knowledge at our fingertips through the Internet, would anyone need to memorize Scripture? Isn’t it easier to search online to find a verse than spend time learning passages? Yes, in the world of modern technology, I can pull up information quickly, but what happens when my phone is not nearby? What if I am tempted to sin, yet can’t think of any reason not to give in, and don’t Google reasons why to obey God? Despite the advances of technology, Scripture memory will never become antiquated. Committing God’s truth to memory gives the Holy Spirit more room to change me from the inside out. Romans 12:2 says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (NKJV). When my life is permeated with digital everything, my brain starts to atrophy. The Lord wants to transform my mind, which happens when I let Scripture nourish my soul. Feed Your Mind on TruthColossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” (NKJV). When all the riches of God’s Word dwell in me, I will have wisdom to face the challenges that society poses. Without God’s truth abiding in my heart and guiding my choices, I can fall prey to the trappings of this world instead of walking the straight and narrow. My heart rejoices when God’s Word rules in my life because I can give and receive correction in ways that align with good sound doctrine. I desire to obey God, but first I must know what God has called me to do. Psalm 119:11 says, “Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You” (NKJV). When I store God’s truths deep inside the wellsprings of my life, the Holy Spirit can use those verses as spiritual weapons to help fight lies from the enemy. Think of Jesus when He was tempted in the desert. He recited Scriptures to Satan to deflect the attack and left without succumbing to the lure of evil. What an example He set for us to follow. Fight with a Full ArsenalAs I learned from the story of the boy and the dragon, I can much better stave off temptation when I have a wide array of truth ready to slay the lies. One way I can escape sin is when the Holy Spirit reminds me of specific verses that apply to my trouble spots. For example, when I am tempted to blow up in anger at someone irritating, the Holy Spirit reminds me of Proverbs 15:1, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (NKJV). In the moment, that verse helps me to bite my tongue and pray for the person instead of stirring up wrath.
This type of targeted Scripture memory applies to a wide set of temptations. For those struggling not to lust or look at pornography: learn Psalm 101:3, for those caught up in gossip: commit Proverbs 16:28 to heart, for those prone to rack up credit card debt: study Proverbs 22:7. I’ve found that learning Scriptures that fit my circumstances lets me live in victory. If your struggles are different than the ones I noted, memorizing Bible verses that address your areas of difficulty can help you triumph too. Now that I’ve sold you on the importance of remembering God’s Word, maybe you are moaning because the thought of committing Bible verses to heart is daunting. Here is a link to an article Know the Word that includes a list of ten creative Scripture memory tips. As you commit God’s Word to heart, don’t forget to pray for the Holy Spirit to help you. Memorizing Scripture is much easier with supernatural power than with just your own ability. Part of the Holy Spirit’s role is to help you recall the truths you’ve planted inside your soul (John 14:26). Ask Him where to start, and He’ll help you throughout the process. His desire is to grow closer to you and equip you to handle the hassles, temptations, and opportunities of each day. The Holy Spirit can give you the right verse faster than any Internet search with His personalized service to help you recall the right Scripture at the right time. Commit God’s timeless words to heart, and they will sustain you for eternity. A sharpened sword of Spirit, the Word of God, will defeat the dragon so you can overcome sin.
9/20/2021 06:53:41 pm
Years ago I memorized many verses of scripture during a series of Bible studies. I still remember most of those verses and practice them. But, I haven't learned any since. Your message inspires me to do better! God's Word is an important weapon to have stored in our arsenal to combat the enemy. Thank you.
Joanna Eccles
9/25/2021 04:41:36 pm
So thankful you have a solid foundation of Scriptures memorized, but agree we can never have too full of an arsenal. May the Lord help you store His word in your heart.
9/22/2021 01:34:46 pm
You're so right that we shouldn't count on devices to back us up. We need God's Word in our hearts and minds.
Joanna Eccles
9/25/2021 04:40:31 pm
God's Word in our hearts will transform us from the inside out.
9/24/2021 12:32:50 am
Thank you, Joanna, for reminding me of what I know I should do more of and why. You are so right about God's Holy Spirit bringing His word to our minds when we need it if we have it stored inside. 1 Corinthians 13 is a help when I have trouble loving someone. "Love suffers long and is kind." Joshua 1:9 was needed (and still comes to mind) when I was going through a battle with fear. What should I plan to memorize this week? You've made me stop and think...and decide. I've picked Isaiah 43:1-3b. More if I can do it, but I'll commit to that for now. Bless you and thanks!
Carolyn Thigpen
9/24/2021 01:08:58 am
oops...that should be Isaiah 43:1-3a
Joanna Eccles
9/25/2021 04:42:42 pm
I love the reminder of Joshua 1:9 that God is with us wherever we go, and am excited for you to remember Isaiah 43:1-3a this week. Yay God!
Joanna Eccles
9/25/2021 04:43:46 pm
Thank you for sharing your precious and powerful memories of your grandmother. I aspire to be that woman one day where if I don't remember anything else, I still know God's Word.
9/24/2021 01:41:13 pm
Thank you for this reminder. I need to be more disciplined about memorizing scripture. I have the worst time remembering the "address". :)
Joanna Eccles
9/25/2021 04:45:55 pm
I will pray for both of us the grace to memorize the address as we commit God's Word to heart. Glad the memory tips helped you!
Jeannie Waters
9/28/2021 09:51:03 pm
Joanna, what an important topic you picked. Thank you for numerous values of Scripture memorization. I especially like this part: "The Holy Spirit can give you the right verse faster than any Internet search with His personalized service to help you recall the right Scripture at the right time. Commit God’s timeless words to heart, and they will sustain you for eternity."
9/29/2021 09:46:35 am
Thank you Joanna. Memorization is one of those hurdles I need constant encouragement to accomplish. Your blog post was that!!
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AuthorJoanna Eccles has led Bible studies for over twenty years and completed the year-long C. S. Lewis Fellows Program. She is passionate about discipleship and helping people grow in Christ. Joanna enjoys coffee and reading, and currently lives in Florida. Categories