America needs prayer! The turmoil in our country may seem political, but actually a spiritual battle with monumental consequences is being waged in the heavens. From racism to face masks to abortion to marriage, our nation is divided. I have never felt the unseen war as palpably as I do now. The other night God woke me up to pray for America. I read Psalm 18 aloud and asked God to come to our nation’s defense. We need some archangels to war on our behalf.
God is sovereign. We know that in the end, God wins. We need to fight this battle with spiritual weapons. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 NKJV says, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” When we cry out hate or blame, we add to the problem. Some of our mightiest weapons are prayer and fasting. The name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus cut down the enemy’s strongholds. I think sometimes in the western world we can be lulled into the lie that if we can’t see it, it doesn’t exist. Satan knows if Christians stop praying while witches and warlocks have been placing spells on the President of the United States every month, his purposes are filled instead of God’s. We don’t want to give the enemy an inch of ground. We will praise the Lord and trust in Him to overcome. I keep thinking about Habakkuk. He asked God how long he had cry out because of the violence in the land. God responded that He would send the Chaldeans, a bitter and hasty nation to capture Judah. Habakkuk was stunned because the Chaldeans were more wicked than the people in Judah. He also pleaded with God “In wrath, remember mercy” (Habakkuk 3:2b NKJV). Our country has strayed from God so far that honestly, we deserve God’s wrath. Yet, I still pray for His mercy. I pray for revival and a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit to fall on our land. This May I wrote a blog called “It’s Time to Pray in Revival.” Here’s the link for you to review if you want. I poured my heart into that blog with an examination of 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 that calls believers to repent so that the Lord heals our land. Right now, I just want to pray for America. Please pray with me. Dear God, Please have mercy on our country. We don’t deserve it, but we need you. Please send the Holy Spirit to convict us and remind us to pray. God, we pray for more people to fast and pray on behalf of the future of our country and our families. We need you God. Please help Christians seek God’s wisdom for who to vote for on every square on their ballots. God, please protect these elections so they are free and fair from any outside influence or corruption. Lord, we pray for people who love You and seek Your face to pray now for Washington, DC so that angels may increase in strength to protect our liberties and freedoms as Americans. Get Christians out to the polling booths beyond their fear of the coronavirus, keep them healthy, and let them vote safely. Send Your winds to destroy the demonic hoards descending to cripple our country. Beat back the enemy in the heavens and let Your weapons hit the mark every time to cut down any plans of the devil to destroy America. Help us remain firm in our Christian heritage. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
10/27/2020 10:44:35 am
Joanna, Amen and amen. Dear Father, heal our hearts and heal our land.
Joanna Eccles
11/3/2020 10:34:50 am
Thanks for praying for the healing of our land.
10/27/2020 01:59:20 pm
What a beautiful prayer, Joanna. Like you, I hope and pray that God will have mercy on us and guide us in the election process and grant wisdom, courage, and righteousness to our leaders.
Joanna Eccles
11/3/2020 10:36:08 am
Thank you for praying for wisdom and courage for our leaders and for God's guidance in this election.
10/28/2020 12:13:13 pm
This is such an important time for us to call out to God--not just for a specific outcome we want, but for God's will and heart to overcome the division of this land. Thank you for your post.
Joanna Eccles
11/3/2020 10:37:05 am
I agree. I pray that we will once again be the United States of America and that Satan will not keep us divided in hate.
Jeannie Waters
10/28/2020 09:46:49 pm
Joanna, what a powerful prayer you shared with us. We understand the need to pray for our country and our leaders, but your post underlined that need and encouraged me to pray more. Thank you.
Joanna Eccles
11/3/2020 10:38:06 am
I praise God that the Lord is creating in you the desire to pray more and more for America.
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AuthorJoanna Eccles has led Bible studies for over twenty years and completed the year-long C. S. Lewis Fellows Program. She is passionate about discipleship and helping people grow in Christ. Joanna enjoys coffee and reading, and currently lives in Florida. Categories